Town of Wilton, NH

Zoning Board Minutes

November 11, 1998

Voting Board Acting Chairperson Jim Tuttle; members Steve Blanchard & Bob Spear; alternate member Joanna Eckstrom.
Clerk Diane Nilsson
Agenda Donna & Paul Poisson - Special Exception continued.

Mr. Tuttle called the meeting to order at 7:45 p.m.

Case #10/14/98-2

Donna & Paul Poisson have applied for a Special Exception under section 11.4(b) of the Wilton Zoning Ordinance, to permit them to dredge and fill in a wetland area in order to construct a convenience store with gasoline pump islands on Lot F-26, Gibbons Highway (NH Route 101).

Mr. Tuttle explained to Mr. Poisson that only four ZBA members were present to hear the case, and that he had the option of waiting until next month if he wished to try for a 5-member board. He chose to go ahead with the hearing.

Dawn Tuomala, of Monadnock Survey, presented the case for the Poisson's. She stated that the property does not cross any streams and is not adjacent to any prime wetlands. It is 350' to 400' from the Souhegan Rover and it is not in the flood plain. She presented a letter dated 10/9/98 from the State Division of Forest Lands, Natural Heritage Inventory, which states that there are no known occurrences of rare species or natural communities in the project area. (See case file). Ms. Tuomala presented an updated plan, dated 11/9/98 which shows the aquifer protection district existing in one third of the property (the southern corner). She also Added notes 8 and 9 to the plan. (See case file).

All members of the voting board have viewed the site.

Mr. Tuttle read a letter from Andrew Roeper, Chair of the Wilton Conservation Commission, dated 11/11/98. (See case file).

Motion Ms. Eckstrom moved to accept Paragraph 1 of Mr. Roeper's letter to serve as an alternative to the Wilton Zoning Ordinance requirement which states, in Section 11.4 (b), that evidence shall be accompanied by the findings of a review by the Hillsborough County Conservation District. The motion was seconded by Mr. Spear with all in favor.

Ms. Eckstrom asked if the area in blue accurately outlined the wetland area. Mr. Roeper answered that this outlined area was delineated based on information Ms. Tuomala had and Mr. Roeper concurred. Mr. Roeper didn't feel that this site warranted the digging up and mapping that would be required in order to accurately map this site.

Motion Mr. Spear moved to grant the Special Exception to Section 11.4 (b) of the Wilton Zoning Ordinance with the requirement that the applicant must file an after-the-fact permit for the dredge and fill with the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services. The motion was seconded by Mr. Blanchard and all were in favor.

Mr. Tuttle requested that the applicant send copies of all paperwork from the state to the ZBA.


Minutes - October 14, 1998

Motion Ms. Eckstom moved to approve the 10/14/98 minutes as written, seconded by Mr. Blanchard with all in favor.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Diane Nilsson, Clerk