Town of Wilton, NH

Zoning Board Minutes

August 23, 2002



August 23, 2002

Voting Board Chairperson Neil Faiman; members Carol Roberts, Bob Spear & Jim Tuttle; alternate member Eric Fowler.
Clerk Diane Nilsson
Agenda 3 requests for rehearing

Mr. Faiman called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. and noted that the deadline for rehearing requests to be received in the office was August 15th. Since one of the requests was received on August 16th, Mr. Faiman said that he had spoken to Town Counsel about whether there was any leeway with the deadline. The answer was no, that on this point there was no wiggle room.

The board first considered a request by the Wilton Selectmen to rehear the request for special exceptions by the Household of Faith in order to hold youth recreational programs at their property at 16 Park Street. In their letter, the Selectmen stated their belief that this would be a beneficial program for the Town.

Although board members agreed that some of the proposed recreational uses of the property may indeed be of benefit to residents, they couldn’t find any reason to rehear the special exception request. Mr. Spear suggested that perhaps the applicant would have more luck with a variance request.

Motion Mr. Spear motioned to deny the Selectmen’s request for rehearing because there was no new evidence presented that would warrant a rehearing of the special exception request. Mr. Tuttle seconded the motion and all were in favor.

The board next considered a request by the Household of Faith to rehear their request for special exceptions that would allow them to hold youth recreational programs at their property at 16 Park Street.

Motion Mr. Spear motioned that the board was unable to consider the request for rehearing because it was received after the 30-day deadline for such requests. The motion was seconded by Mr. Tuttle and all were in favor.

The board next considered a request by Corinne Blagbrough to rehear the appeal of administrative decision wherein the Zoning Board of Adjustment found that the Town of Wilton’s Planning Board was not in error in determining that the subdivision creating Lot A-21-1, Burton Highway, was permissible despite the presence of a culvert in the driveway located within the 150 foot wetland setback.

Mr. Faiman recused himself from this hearing. The other board members felt that the points brought forth in the letter from Ms. Blagbrough’s attorney were all points that were argued in the original hearing.

Motion Mr. Spear motioned to deny the rehearing request because no evidence was presented that was not already presented at the previous hearing. Ms. Roberts seconded the motion and all were in favor.

Mr. Tuttle motioned to adjourn, there was a second to that motion and all were in favor.

The meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Diane Nilsson, Clerk
Posted: 8/28/02