Town of Wilton, NH

Zoning Board Minutes

July 29, 2003

Voting Board Joanna Eckstrom, Carol Roberts, Bob Spear, Jim Tuttle, and Ron Hanisch.
Clerk Neil Faiman
Agenda L.A. Limousine Sign Variance (Case 7/8/03–4) request for reconsideration

Chairperson Neil Faiman (chairing the meeting, but not voting) called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

Case # 7/8/03 – 4 L.A. LIMOUSINE

The Board read the letter from the Board of Selectmen requesting that they hold a rehearing on the sign variance that was granted to L.A. Limousine.

Ms. Eckstrom and Mr. Spear felt that the variance was appropriate.

Mr. Faiman argued that the variance couldn’t legitimately be granted if the public notice didn’t adequately inform potentially interested parties of what relief was being requested.

The Board members discussed the adequacy of the notice and the previous variance.

Mark Whitehill, Planning Board co-chairman, explained the Planning Board’s concerns, and that he would have been present if he had realized that a variance for an internally illuminated sign would be considered at the meeting.

Motion Mr. Hanisch moved to grant the request, seconded by Mr. Spear. Ms. Eckstrom moved to amend the motion to identify that variances will be considered to Ordinance sections 16.1(h)(4) (internally illuminated signs), (size), and 5.2.3 (setbacks), and to specify that the decision is being reconsidered on grounds of improper notice. Amendment accepted by Mr. Hanisch. All in favor.

There was a motion to adjourn and the meeting did adjourn at 8:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Neil Faiman, acting Clerk
Posted: 8/11/03