Town of Wilton, NH

Zoning Board Minutes

July 11, 2006

Voting BoardChairperson Neil Faiman; members Joanna Eckstrom and Bob Spear; alternate members Eric Fowler and John Jowders.
  • Martha J. Greene – variance
  • K.M. Zahn and Sons (applicant), Harold E. Kennedy (owner) – decision notice

Faiman called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Minutes — June 19, 2006

Fowler noted that on Page 8, second line from the bottom, the last word “on” should be omitted.

MotionSpear/Fowler to approve 6/19/06 minutes as amended. All in favor.

Eckstrom wanted to wait until Board Member Jim Tuttle arrived before approving the 6/26 minutes or writing the Kennedy/Zahn Decision Notice.

Case #7/11/06–1 — GREENE

Martha J. Greene has applied for a variance to section 6.3.3 of the Wilton Zoning Ordinance, to permit two reduced frontage lots where there is not the required amount of frontage, on Lot B – 56, 194 Curtis Farm Road.

Faiman asked if there were any board members who felt the need to disqualify themselves from this case. Mr. Spear said yes and left the ZBA table. Faiman said that Jim Tuttle was supposed to be at the meeting sometime but it was not clear when. He said that the applicants had the option of going ahead with a four-member board or they could wait for Jim to arrive. Barry Greene said that he would prefer to wait for a five-member board.

MotionEckstrom/Fowler to recess until Tuttle arrives. All in favor. Board recessed at 7:40 p.m.

Faiman called the meeting to order again at 8:30 p.m. Tuttle had not arrived and had not been reached by phone. The board and the applicant agreed to hold a special meeting on Tuesday, July 18, 2006.

MotionEckstrom/Fowler to hold a special meeting on Tuesday, July 18th at 7:30 p.m. to hear the Greene case and to write the Decision Notice for the Kennedy/Zahn case. All in favor.

The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Diane Nilsson
Posted July 17, 2006