Town of Wilton, NH

Zoning Board Minutes

December 13, 2008

BOARD MEMBERS: Chairperson Neil Faiman.
APPLICANT’S REPRESENTATIVE: Earl Sandford, Sandford Surveying.
Abutter: Paul Levesque.

AgendaCarlo and Anne Simoni – special exception & variance (site walk)

The participants met at Lot H–56 on Isaac Frye Highway, at 9:00 a.m.

Case #12/9/08–1 — Carlo and Anne Simoni

The participants walked the proposed driveway for the proposed eastern lot as far as the wetland crossing, and observed and discussed the wetland area. They then walked to the area where the proposed shared driveway would leave Isaac Frye Highway and followed it through the field to where it would enter the woods. They also observed the proposed location for the additional driveway if the shared driveway is not approved for four lots.

The site visit ended about 10:00 a.m.

Submitted by Neil Faiman

Posted December 24, 2008