The purpose of cluster development, and to which purposes any such development must adhere, are the following:
- To promote the conservation of the natural environment, preservation of wetlands and wildlife habitat, and the development of community uses in harmony with the natural features of the land and provide for the appropriate use of the terrain within the cluster development.
- To establish living area within the town that provide for a balance of community needs, such community needs as a diversity of housing opportunities, adequate recreation and open space areas, easy accessibility to these and other community facilities, and pedestrian and vehicular safety.
- To provide for the location of like uses next to like uses so as to enhance the nature and quality of preserved green space within the community while providing clusters of housing around a green or common
- To provide green space within the cluster development between the clusters of housing and abutting properties so as to provide community open space.
- To provide for an efficient use of land, streets, and utility systems, while minimizing the impact of such development upon adjacent areas.
- To stimulate new approaches to land and community development.
- To provide for the preservation of agricultural land of state and/or local significance and encourage the continued use of open space for agricultural and/or silvicultural purposes.