Prior to formal application for approval of a cluster development plan, the owner or his agent shall meet with the Planning Board to discuss the regulations governing cluster development to informally review the owner’s proposed use of the land. The purpose of this pre-application meeting is to facilitate the preparation of the formal application and the cluster development plan in conformance with all applicable regulations.
All applications for cluster developments shall be made in writing on the forms provided by the Planning Board, by the owner of the property or his agent as designated in writing by the owner.
The completed application together with the documentation required in these regulations shall be submitted to the Planning Board and placed on the Board's agenda for consideration within thirty (30) days of its receipt. A fee of thirty-five dollars ($35.00) plus one dollar ($1.00) per each acre over thirty-five (35) acres for each gross tract acre not to exceed one hundred ($100.00) dollars shall be paid to the Town of Wilton at the time of filing the application. This fee shall be used to defray Town administrative costs including legal advertising involved in reviewing the application. No application shall be accepted by the Planning Board nor placed on the Board's agenda until such fee has been paid.
Within ninety (90) days of receipt of the application, the Planning Board shall act to approve or disapprove the plan as submitted or amended, provided that the Planning Board may apply to the Selectmen for an extension not to exceed an additional ninety (90) days before acting to approve or disapprove; and also provided that the applicant may waive, in writing, this requirement and consent to an extension of such period. If the Planning Board does not approve or disapprove the plan in this period, the plan shall be deemed to have been approved.
No plan shall be approved by the Planning Board without the Board affording a hearing thereon. All abutters shall be notified of said hearing by certified or registered mail. The applicant shall be notified of said hearing by certified or registered mail, with return of receipt requested, stating the time and place of such hearing, not less than five (5) days before the date fixed therefore. If the Board shall vote to disapprove, the owner or his authorized agent shall be notified in writing and the specific causes of disapproval shall be noted.
The Planning Board may require the owner or his authorized agent to deposit in escrow with the Town an amount of money sufficient to cover the costs for any professional review of the preliminary plan documents which the Board may feel is reasonably necessary to protect the general welfare of the Town. Such amount of escrow shall not exceed the total of three hundred dollars ($300.00) plus ten ($10.00) per one thousand (1,000) square feet of proposed building floor area. This escrow payment shall be made before the Board engages any outside party to undertake this review. Any part of this escrow payment in excess of the final costs for this review shall be returned to the owner or his agent.
When the owner of the property or his authorized agent makes formal application for the approval of a cluster development, his application shall include the following, which shall constitute a Preliminary Plan. This list may not be exhaustive and may entail additional requirements that might need to be addressed. (Amended September 2, 2020)
The Board shall undertake a review of the Preliminary Plan to assure its compliance with the standards set forth in these regulations and the principles of sound land planning. During this review, the Board may consult with outside professionals who are qualified to comment on the plan and may hear and confer with other parties whose interests may be affected by the proposed cluster development. Following its review, the Board shall communicate to the owner or his agent, the specific changes, if any, which will be required prior to the Board's preliminary approval.
Upon receipt of a revised Preliminary Plan (if required), the Board shall again review the plan. This procedure shall be repeated until such time as the Board is satisfied that the Preliminary Plan is in compliance with these regulations and exhibits sound planning for the use of the land.
At this time the Board shall hold a public hearing(s) on the Preliminary Plan. After such hearing(s), the Board shall communicate to the owner or his agents any additional changes (if any) which will be required for approval of the Preliminary Plan. Upon receipt of the revised Preliminary Plan, the Board shall act to approve or disapprove the Preliminary Plan.
After receiving Planning Board approval of the Preliminary Plan, the owner or his authorized agent shall submit four (4) copies of a final Cluster Development Plan to the Board for final approval or disapproval. The Planning Board shall review the submission and may use such outside professional consultants as it deems necessary. The Final Plat shall also constitute a Final Plat under the Subdivision Regulations of the Town of Wilton and shall conform to the said regulations. The Final Plan shall show all information required of the Preliminary Plan submission and shall also include and show the following:
The bond(s) shall be released upon satisfactory completion of all improvements and the receipt by the Board of such "as-built plans" as the Board shall require for the improvements which shall be provided by the developer.
Following Planning Board approval of the Cluster Development Plan, the owner or his agent shall file in the Hillsborough County Registry of Deeds the approved Final Plan which shall serve as both the Cluster Development Plan as well as, where applicable, the approved Subdivision Plan. At the time that the approved plans are filed in the Registry, the owner shall also file the legal documents that will produce the guarantees described and contained in Paragraph "C. General Regulations" of these regulations. Amendments to the approved plan shall also be filed with the Hillsborough County Registry of Deeds following their approval by the Planning Board.
The owner, his agent or his successors or assigns shall make no alterations or additions to or deletions from the approved Cluster Development Plan except as approved in advance by the Planning Board. All requests for changes to the approved plan shall be made in writing to the Board and shall be accompanied by such documents as necessary to explain the requested change. The Board shall determine if the requested change is minor or major in nature.
A minor change shall be one which respects the approved plan's basic land allocations in terms of use and intensity, the type and variety of facilities and dwelling units being provided, and the timing for providing these facilities, but shall not include any increase in the overall density of the development. The Board may hold a public hearing on the proposed change with proper notification of all abutters, including those of the original proposed development as well as any additional ones which may have been created by development activity within the development itself. The Board shall then act to approve or disapprove with written notification to the owner of its action. Any approved changes involving changes in any lot boundaries shall be recorded as a subdivision change in the Registry of Deeds.
Any requested change which the Board determine does not qualify as a minor change shall be required to be submitted as a separate Cluster Development Plan in accordance with these regulations and procedures.