Application Requirements
The application for any driveway permit, including a temporary permit, shall include the following:
- Four copies of a scale plan/drawing indicating:
- Map & lot numbers and name and address(es) of owner(s)
- Lot boundaries, acreage and road frontage
- Zoning districts for the lot(s)
- Lot numbers and addresses of abutters
- North arrow and bar scale
- Locations and dimensions of existing driveways, if any, and rights-of-way, including on abutting lots, and any existing obstructions affecting the right-of-way
- Location of proposed driveway(s), including width of driveway at entrance to right-of-way and sight distance to both left and right of driveway entrance
- Centerline distances between the proposed driveway and other driveways and distance from the centerline of the proposed driveway to intersections within 525 feet of the driveway
- Nearest distance from the centerline of the proposed driveway to side property lines
- Length of all common driveways
- Minimum width, maximum grade and minimum clearance at any point along the entire length of the proposed driveway(s)
- Locations and dimensions of turnarounds and by-passes for emergency vehicles, if required
- Wetlands, required wetland setbacks, and distance of proposed driveway from all water bodies, wetlands and wetlands setbacks
- Locations of utilities and easements
- Locations of any engineered structures or systems such as culverts or swales that do or may impact the driveway
- Traffic flow patterns
- Structures on the lot
- Snow storage locations
- A key if any symbols are used
- Parking locations.
- Photos showing the existing conditions of the site.
- Reference to any applicable approved subdivision, site or other plan.
- If any waiver(s) of these Regulations is requested as permitted by Section 4.i, the section(s) to be waived and the reasons for such request.
- The Secretary, the Road Agent, the Fire Chief and/or the Planning Board may require additional information as deemed necessary.