In the interest of public health, convenience, safety and welfare, the regulations of this District are intended to guide the use of areas of land with extended periods of high water tables.
The Wetlands Conservation District is hereby determined to be those areas delineated based on hydrophytic vegetation, hydric soils and wetland hydrology in accordance with the techniques and standards outlined in the Corps of Engineers “Wetlands Delineation Manual,” 1987, and the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services Wetlands Bureau “Wetlands Rules,” March 12, 2001.
In all cases where the Wetland Conservation District is superimposed over another zoning district in the Town of Wilton, the more restrictive regulations shall apply.
Any use that does not result in the erection of any structure or alter the surface configuration by the addition of fill or by dredging and that is otherwise permitted by the zoning ordinance.
Special exceptions may be granted by the Zoning Board of Adjustment (ZBA) for the following uses within the Wetland Conservation District (see also Section 4.4):
When the actual boundary of the Wetland Conservation District is in dispute by any owner or abutter actually affected by the boundary, the Planning Board, at the owner/abutters expense and request, may engage a certified soil scientist or a certified wetlands scientist to determine more accurately the precise boundary of the Wetland Conservation District, who shall submit to the Planning Board his findings.
The Planning Board, based upon the findings presented by the applicant, may adjust the boundary or area designation of the Wetlands Conservation District to reduce or expand the designated area to more correctly define the location and extent of the wetlands on a site-specific, case-by-case basis.
The Planning Board shall reserve the right to withhold action on the plat pending the results of an on-site and/or other investigation by the Board or its appointed agent and shall act to approve or disapprove the final plat within 65 days of submission or such further time as deemed necessary and as provided for by New Hampshire State statute as amended (Amended March 2018).
Buildings must be set back fifty (50) feet from delineated wetland boundaries in accordance with Section 4.6.7, Wetlands Conservation District Setback. (Adopted March 2004)