Any owner or owner's designee subject to this chapter shall, prior to excavation of or continuance or expansion of excavation of any land, apply to the Planning Board for an excavation permit and submit a reclamation plan. Copies of the application and the plans shall be submitted to the Wilton Conservation Commission at the same time. The permit application shall be signed and dated by the applicant and shall contain at least the information in this Section in addition to other regulation, checklist and site plan review requirements.
5.1General Information.
The application shall include the name and address of the owner of the land to be excavated, the person who will actually do the excavating and all abutters to the premises on which the excavation is proposed.
5.2Excavation Plans and Associated Information.
All new excavations shall submit an excavation plan. All plans submitted to the Planning Board shall comply with the provisions in the Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Standards contained in Appendix II. At least six (6) copies of final plans and any associated information shall be filed with the Planning Board prior to issuance of a permit. (Amended June 1994). All plans submitted shall be of a quality that they are easily understood and of accuracy that compliance can easily be checked. All excavation plans submitted shall conform to the standards established below, the checklist included in Appendix IV, and contain the following:
Scale bar and north arrow. Plans shall be at a scale of no greater than 1" = 100 feet;
the proposed plan name, name and address of owner of record, name of the applicant (if not the owner), owner’s designated agent/representative, and the date the plans were first drafted in the lower right corner of the plan;
the tax map and lot number of the parcel proposed for excavation;
the tax map and lot number, names and addresses of owners of records for all properties abutting the parcel proposed for excavation;
the seal and signature of a land surveyor licensed in the State of New Hampshire;
the seal and signature of a professional engineer licensed in the State of New Hampshire;
a locus map, at a scale of 1" = 1,000 feet, showing the proposed operation in relation to existing roads;
property lines; location of all easements, on or below the ground;
limits of any existing and all proposed areas to be excavated, distance from excavation limits to property lines, all land within 200 feet of the perimeter of the area to excavated, and dwellings within 150 feet;
existing topography at contour intervals of five or fewer feet, based on mean sea level;
all surface drainage patterns including wetlands and standing water;
the breadth, depth, slope, and total amount of earth of the proposed excavation, and existing excavation where applicable; schedule of excavation volumes to be removed. If phased, an estimate of breadth, depth, slope and total amount of earth per phase with timeline of each phase;
a log of borings or test pits that extend to either the seasonal high water table, ledge/bedrock, or a minimum of six feet below the maximum proposed excavation depth, within or next to the proposed excavation. Location, groundwater elevation, and soils data shall be provided;
the location and extent of any stone walls, ledge outcroppings, wells, existing buildings, septic systems, utilities and the like, in the excavation area;
the location of existing buildings, structures, septic systems and wells within one hundred and fifty (150) feet of the property boundary;
any existing and all accessory facilities/activities;
wooded and heavily vegetated areas;
existing and proposed fencing, buffers or visual barriers, including height and materials;
storage areas for topsoil to be used in reclamation;
all measures to control erosion, sedimentation, water pollution, air pollution, and hazards to human safety;
location and width of all public roads and rights-of-way;
the location of all driveways and road intersections within two hundred (200) feet of the property boundary;
existing and proposed access roads, including width and surface materials, and intersections with town or state highways;
existing and proposed parking areas; and
zoning districts.
The following will be required in addition to the excavation plan:
copies of any permits required by state or federal regulations or applications for permits, including but not limited to the following:
photographs of existing site conditions shall accompany the excavation plan; and
all measures to be taken by the applicant on the excavation site relative to fuel and chemical handling and storage, dust control, traffic, noise control and abatement, and comprehensive site safety of unauthorized persons.
5.3Reclamation Plan and Associated Information.
Reclamation Plans for all excavations shall be provided at the same scale as the Excavation Plan covering the same area. All plans submitted to the Planning Board shall comply with the provisions in the Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Standards contained in Appendix II. All plans submitted shall be of a quality that they are easily understood and of an accuracy that compliance can easily be checked. At least six (6) copies of final plans shall be filed with the Planning Board prior to issuance of a permit. (Amended June 1994)
The Reclamation Plan shall include:
the seal and signature of an engineer and/or land surveyor licensed in the State of New Hampshire;
all boundaries of the area proposed for reclamation;
final topography and final slopes of the area proposed for reclamation;
sections showing existing, excavated and reclaimed topography;
final surface drainage pattern, including the location and physical characteristics of all artificial and/or modified drainage facilities;
schedule of final reclamation activities including soil conditioning specifications, seeding mixtures and mulching specifications, cover vegetation including quantities and sizes, and fertilizer types and rates;
phasing of reclamation (areas and dates); and
Identification of subsequent use of the site, if known or anticipated.
The following will be required in addition to the excavation plan:
photographs of the site before excavation (from at least two different vantage points).