Each application shall include a proposed plat. The following requirements are designed to provide the Board with the information necessary to make informed decisions about applications and to establish a uniform format for plat layout.
6.1Plat Standards.
The applicant shall include six (6) copies of the proposed plat, any associated information, and any additional information requested by the Designated Representative or the Secretary, as well as a digital copy of the plat satisfying the requirements of Chapter 8 Digital Data Requirements. All plats shall be formatted as, and contain the information set forth below.
Page Setup.
Each sheet shall be 11 X 17 inches or 22 X 34 inches;
margins shall be at least one inch outside ruled border lines on three sides and at least two inches along the left side for binding; and
separate sheets shall be numbered consecutively, showing their relationship to each other;
Title Block. A title block shall be located in the lower right corner of the plat and shall contain:
Signature Block for the Board. A signature block shall be located above the title block, near the lower right corner of the plat, as set forth in Chapter 7 Approved Applications;
Revision Block. A revision block to record the dates and a description of the changes effected by each revision to date;
Locus Map. A locus map at a scale of 1,000 feet to the inch, showing the location of the site within the Town, and including its own bar scale and north arrow;
Notes Section and Required Notes. A numbered notes section for information relevant to the plan, including notes addressing, without limitation, the following:
the tax map and lot number(s) of the parcel(s) to be subdivided;
the zoning districts within which the parcel(s) to be subdivided is/are located, and the applicable dimensional requirements for subdivided lots as set forth in the Zoning Ordinance;
the purpose and the proposed use (i.e. single-family, multi-family, industrial) of the subdivision;
proposed lots, numbered consecutively starting with 1 and including the map and original parcel letter/number (i.e. lot F-12 divided into three lots produces F-12-1, F- 12-2 and F-12-3). Existing lot numbers SHALL NOT be reused;
a list of all variances and waivers granted by the Wilton Zoning Board of Adjustment or the Board, including the application/case numbers and dates granted;
a note as follows: “The fee schedule in Appendix VIII to the Wilton Land Use Laws and Regulations as of the date of approval will be applicable to any new development on lots created by this subdivision for a time period determined by NH RSA 674:39, after which the fee schedule in effect at the time of application for a Building Permit will apply”;
for Major Subdivisions, a note as follows: “No building or other local permits shall be issued unless and until the preconstruction meeting required by the Wilton Subdivision Regulations Section 11.0 has occurred”; and
other notes as required under Section 6.3, such as 6.3.i.2 (Erosion and Sediment Control), 6.3.t.1 (Proposed Driveways), 6.3.u.1 (Proposed Curb-cuts), 6.3.v.1 (Proposed Easements), 6.3.x (Remaining Land with Intended Future Use), and 6.3.y.1 (Other Required Permits and Approvals);
Signatures and Seals.
the signature of or on behalf of the owner (and the applicant, if different);
the seal and signature of the Engineer (where required for engineering designs);
Drawing Scale.
The plat shall have a horizontal scale not to exceed 100 feet to the inch (the preferred scale is 50 feet to the inch);
elevation drawings presented in the plat shall have a vertical scale not to exceed 40 feet to the inch; and
a bar scale for each drawing scale used on the plat, appropriately positioned on the sheet, shall indicate the scale of each drawing;
North Arrow. A north arrow pointing to the geographic (true) north; and
Datums and Projected Coordinate Systems. A description or note referencing all datums, projected coordinate systems, and controls applied to the plat, as required under Section 8.1.3.
6.2Abutting Property Information.
The following information for all abutting properties shall be provided on the plat:
Property Lines. Locations of property lines and the approximate dimensions of abutting lots;
Tax Map and Lot Numbers;
Owner Information. The names and addresses of the owners of record, as indicated in Town records not more than five (5) days before the date the application is submitted;
Property Details.
The locations of existing buildings, septic system leachfields, water supply wells or springs, protective well radii, and building setbacks lying within 100 feet from any boundary of a subdivided parcel:
the locations, dimensions, and names of driveways, roads, driveway/road intersections, and easements lying within 200 feet from any boundary of a subdivided parcel;
the locations, dimensions, and names of abutting parks and open space; and
In addition to the requirements for the plat set forth in Section 6.1, the application shall include the following information about the parcel to be subdivided, indicated on the plat as practicable:
Boundary Survey and Permanent Markers. A boundary survey for the entire parcel, including bearings, distances and the locations of permanent markers with a maximum error of closure of 1 part in 10,000. The following items shall be clearly and accurately identified on the plat:
locations, bearings and distances of existing and proposed lot lines;
locations of existing and proposed permanent boundary markers such as monuments, pins and drill holes, in accordance with Section 10.1;
Lot Area. The area (in acres) of all proposed lots, denoting wetland area, dry area and total area;
Zoning District Boundaries. If the parcel to be subdivided is within or close to multiple zoning districts, the existing zoning district boundaries with the district classifications labeled, as designated on the Zoning;
Setbacks and Buffers. All building setbacks and buffer locations, with the required distances labeled, as set forth in the Zoning Ordinance;
Natural Features. The locations of all water bodies, watercourses, wetlands, rock/ledge outcrops and other significant natural features;
Floodplain. The location of the 100-year floodplain as designated on the National Flood Insurance Program, Flood Insurance Rate Maps for the Town of Wilton, in accordance with Section 5.5;
Topography and Contour Lines. Existing and proposed topography for the entire parcel with contour intervals not to exceed 5 feet;
Soil Details. Soil types and locations of soil boundaries as designated in the most current version of the United States Department of Agriculture Soil Survey, or as certified by the Engineer or a Certified Soil Scientist;
High Intensity Soil Survey. For Major Subdivisions, and where otherwise requested by the Board, a high intensity soil survey for the entire parcel, in accordance with Section 10.2, including the required ground control points (well-distributed throughout the site at a density of not less than four points per acre);
Proposed Dredge and Fill Areas. Locations and sizes of proposed dredge and/or fill areas;
if no erosion and sediment control plan is required, a note in the Notes Section: “The Building Inspector may require an acceptable plan to address erosion and sediment control, as well as any applicable stormwater or other requirements, for future residential development within this subdivision;”
Existing Buildings and Structures. The locations and dimensions of existing buildings on the parcel, as well as the locations of other existing structures and notable man-made features on the parcel;
Private Water Systems. The locations of existing and proposed private water systems, including the locations of wells and protective radii;
Private Septic Systems. The locations of existing and proposed private septic/sewage systems, including the locations of leachfields (for existing systems) and the 4,000 square foot septic reserve areas (for proposed systems), as well as:
test pit and perc test data for each lot where a private septic system is proposed; and
engineering specifications for proposed complex septic systems;
Town Water and Sewer Service. The locations of existing and proposed town water and sewer connections, including, for new town water and/or sewer services, a letter from the water and/or sewer commissions stating the intent to provide service;
Stormwater Drainage Systems. The locations of existing and proposed stormwater drainage systems, accompanied by drainage plans indicating interconnections, profiles and elevations of the proposed systems and drainage calculations based on a 25-year storm event;
Utility Service Connections. The locations of existing and proposed utility service connections (for telephone, electricity, and other public utilities), including for new public utility services, a letter from each utility company stating the intent to provide service;
Fire Safety.
A letter from the Wilton Fire Chief stating that proposed water supplies provide sufficient volume, pressure and flow for fire protection and that access for emergency vehicles is adequate; and
the locations, dimensions and engineering specifications of independent fire suppression systems such as cisterns, in accordance with applicable regulations including Section I – Cistern Regulations;
Roads. The locations, names and widths of existing and proposed roads, including grades, radii, culvert locations and proposed bridge designs in accordance with Section 10.4 and the standards set forth in Appendix I to the Wilton Land Use Laws and Regulations;
Driveways. The locations of existing and proposed driveways in accordance with Section 10.7, and a note in the Notes Section as follows: “All new driveways must conform to the Wilton Driveway Regulations, including obtaining a driveway permit prior to construction and any necessary driveway waivers. Any driveway relocation requires prior approval of the Wilton Planning Board;”
Proposed Curb-cuts. A Curb-cut Approval Permit from the NH Department of Transportation for subdivision driveways and/or roads accessing a state highway or a letter of approval from the Road Agent for driveways and public rights-of-way accessing local roads, a copy of the submitted application if the permit is pending, and a note in the Notes Section indicating the required cub-cut approval permit, application/permit/approval number, and status (i.e. deferred, pending, approved);
Easements and Associated Legal Documents. The locations and dimensions of existing and proposed easements, including for land to be dedicated to public use, and copies of all associated legal documents as prescribed in Section 5.10, as well as a note or notes in the Notes Section referring to the proposed easements and associated legal documents (with Hillsborough County Register of Deeds record reference numbers if recorded, or noted as to be recorded);
Intended Future Use of Remaining Land. If the proposed subdivision covers only a portion of the entire tract, a sketch of the prospective future road system, if any, and a note in the Notes Section addressing the intended future use of the remainder, any necessary future adjustments or road connections for which the Board shall consider in its review of the application at hand; and.
Other Required Permits and Approvals. Copies of all Federal, State and local permits, or of the submitted applications therefor, that are required for the project, including, but not limited to: New Hampshire Wetlands Board Dredge and Fill Permit, Army Corps of Engineers Dredge and Fill Approval, New Hampshire Supply and Pollution Control Division Site Specific Permit, and a note or notes in the Notes Section identifying all other required permits and approvals, application/permit/approval numbers, and status (i.e. deferred, pending, approved).
6.4Field Delineation.
The following shall be identified or delineated in the field to facilitate site investigations:
Wetland.Wetland areas shall be flagged before submitting the application to the Secretary.
Proposed Roads. The centerline of all proposed roads shall be staked.
Other Key Locations. To the extent practicable, the existing or proposed locations of the site characteristics described in Section 6.3.a, i, j, k, m, n, o, p, q, r.2, s, t, and v, and any other locations as requested by the Board, shall be flagged, staked or otherwise identified.