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Case 4/8/98–1
On April 8, 1998, Robert Bragdon (owner) and Barbara Cassidy (applicant) made two applications to the Wilton Zoning Board, regarding a proposed self-storage facility to be built on Lot F-31-1 on NH 101 in the Commercial District, and a proposed driveway from that facility, to pass over lot F-31-2 on Intervale Road in the Residential District, providing access to the facility from Intervale Road. These applications were decided as follows:
- Applicants' appeal of the Planning Board's determination that the proposed driveway was not a permitted use in the Residential District was denied. The Zoning Board determined that section 7.2.4(a) of the Zoning Ordinance, which requires Commercial lots on NH 101 to take their access from "any other street or side road that is available," was not applicable because a road that can be accessed only via a Residential lot is not "available" to a Commercial use.
- Applicants' appeal for a variance to section 5.1 of the Zoning Ordinance to permit the proposed driveway was denied. The Zoning Board found that there was no hardship to justify the variance as long as there were practical alternatives to the proposed access through the Residential district, and that no convincing evidence had been presented that the Commercial lot F-31-1 could not be accessed from NH Route 101.