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Case 8/9/00–1 — Request for Consideration
August 17, 2000
RE: Motion for Rehearing in regards to lot 42-2
Town of Wilton Zoning Board
Main St.
Wilton,NH 03086
Dear Mr. Chairman:
As instructed, we are requesting a motion for rehearing regarding your decision to grant an equitable waiver for lot 42-1 for the following reasons.
1) Objections were brought to the Town of Wilton as early as April 2000 before building began.
2) We were advised to have a plot plan done by the Selectmen.
3) The Building Inspector was properly notified by us and should be held accountable for his actions or the lack there of regarding when the Fuller's were notified.
4) The factual chronological order can be verified by reviewing The Selectmen's meeting minutes for the data in question,
5) The fact that ALL the adjoining land owners objected to this Waiver.
6) The Zoning Board refusing to postpone their decision until ALL the evidence was reviewed. The burden of proof was on the Fuller's not the adjoining land owners.
Robert Dolinak and Kathleen McDonnell-Dolinak
Cc. The Town of Wilton Board of Selectmen
Mr. Frank Millward
Mr. and Mrs. K. Stickney
P.S. Since the Fuller's cannot or will not challenge our Certified Plot Plan then the Town's map should reflect this updated information.