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Decision notices posted at this web site have not been checked for consistency with the printed decision notices that are available in the Wilton Town Offices. If you need the definitive text of a decision, please obtain the printed notice from the town offices.

Case 8/8/01–3

You are hereby notified that the Zoning Board has deemed the application of Lee and Diane Hambrick for a special exception under the terms of section 17.3 of the Wilton Zoning Ordinance, or alternatively for a variance to the terms of section 6.2.4 of the Ordinance, to have been abandoned, because the Hambricks neither appeared in person or by representative at the September 18, 2001 meeting of the Zoning Board, nor informed the Zoning Board Clerk or Chairperson that they would not be present.

If granted, the special exception or variance would have permitted the construction of a 28x28 foot garage and apartment, attached by a 14x16 foot sunroom to the existing house on Lot D-158-9, 24 Rebeckah's Way, where the garage would be closer to a lot line than otherwise permitted by the Ordinance.

The Hambricks originally presented their case at the August 8, 2001 meeting of the Zoning Board, at which time the Board continued the case to the September meeting with a request that the Hambricks obtain a survey of the northern portion of the lot line between Lots D-158-9 and D-158-8, and be prepared to provide precise measurements of the distance of the proposed construction from the lot line and from the setback line.

Minutes of the first hearing.

Minutes of the second hearing.