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Case 7/8/03–3

You are hereby informed that the hearing of L.A. Limousine Service request for Variance has been continued to Tuesday, August 12, 2003. Applicant has applied for a Variance to the terms of section 5.1 of the Wilton Zoning Ordinance to permit U-Haul equipment rentals in addition to the existing limousine service business on Lot L–27, 223 Gibbons Highway. The Zoning Board has requested that the applicant provide additional information, including more detailed parking arrangements.

Minutes of the hearing.

You are hereby informed that the application of L.A. Limousine Service for a variance to section 5.1 of the Wilton Zoning Ordinance has been denied.

The variance would have permitted U–Haul equipment rentals in addition to the existing limousine rental business on Lot L–27, 223 Gibbons Highway (NH Route 101).

The Board found that denial of the variance would not result in unreasonable hardship, since reasonable use of the is already permitted by the variance that was granted in 1997 to permit the limousine rental business on the property (Case #6/11/97–2). The earlier variance carefully balanced the hardship caused by the unsuitability of Lot L–27 for residential uses against the risk of nuisance caused by the commercial use of such a small lot in a residential area. The Board was not persuaded that the proposed enlargement of the commercial use would not result in diminution of neighboring property values. The Board also found that the resulting increased traffic at the awkward intersection of Gibbons Highway and East Intervale Road would be contrary to the public interest. Finally, the Board found that effectively amending the earlier variance to permit the intensification of the commercial use would not result in substantial justice being done.

Minutes of the hearing.

On September 9, 2003, Christine L. Benson, owner of L.A. Limousine Service, Inc., requested that the Zoning Board reconsider its August 12 denial of her application for a variance to the terms of Section 5.1 of the Wilton Zoning Ordinance, which would have permitted U-Haul equipment rentals in addition the existing limousine service business on Lot L–27, 223 Gibbons Highway.

On September 29, the Zoning Board voted to deny the request for reconsideration.

This decision may be appealed to Superior Court no later than Wednesday, October 29, 2003. (N.H. RSA 677:4)