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Case 1/13/04–2
You are hereby informed that the application by Debora Diffley for a variance to sections 8.1 and 8.5 of the Wilton Zoning Ordinance, and for a special exception under the terms of section 8.6.1 of the Ordinance, has been approved.
The variance will allow the use of the existing house on Lot F–165, at the intersection of NH Route 101 (Gibbons Highway) and NH Route 31 (Greenville Road), for a retail shop selling antiques and collectibles, while simultaneously allowing the continuation of the grandfathered non-conforming use of the same house as a single-family residence. The special exception will permit the commercial use of the lot, which does not satisfy the lot size, setback, and buffer requirements of the Industrial District.
The approvals are subject to the requirement that the proposed business will not operate prior to 9:00 am. The area designated for parking on a plan presented to the Zoning Board at the February 10, 2004 public hearing is to be reserved for potential use as a parking area, and is not to be developed in any way that would preclude such use. Initially, the existing driveway on the lot may be used as a parking area; when the business expands to the point that the driveway is insufficient, then the reserved parking area is to be developed and the driveway is to be used for access to it. Under no circumstances is parking along the side of NH Route 31 or NH Route 101 to be permitted for access to the business. A new sign for the business may replace the existing “Good News Bible Church” sign on the property in the same location, and may be realigned for better visibility.
This decision shall expire on Friday, February 10, 2006 if the proposed business has not commenced operation by that date. (Wilton Zoning Ordinance section 17.4).
Minutes of the January hearing.
Minutes of the February hearing.