This online version of the Zoning Ordinance has not been comprehensively checked against the official version. Neither the Town of Wilton nor the Zoning Board can be responsible for the consequences of any action taken on the basis of any errors in the online text.
This PDF file is the official printable text of the Wilton Zoning Ordinance as prepared for the Town of Wilton. by the Nashua Regional Planning Commission It is also available on the Planning Board page at the official Town of Wilton web site under the “Current Land Use Laws and Regulations” link.
This is the 2003 version of the Zoning Ordinance, including all amendments up to and including those passed by Town Meeting in March, 2003, but not any amendments passed in 2004 or later.
9.0 Office Park District (Amended March 1999)
9.1 District Location.
9.2 Permitted Uses.
9.3 Lot Requirements.
9.4 Architectural Design.
9.5 Open Space Design.
The purpose of this District is to attract corporate office, research activities in a college-campus like environment which will be achieved through zoning and landuse regulations, limited types of uses, large open spaces, increased setback requirements and compatible architectural and landscape standards. All primary and accessory buildings must be sited to blend with the environment with a minimum amount of change to the existing vegetation and topography.
9.1 District Location. (Amended March 1999.)
The Office Park District is composed of the following lots in one area of town:
- As delineated by the Town of Wilton Tax Map (C), this includes lots C-127, C-127-1.
9.2 Permitted Uses.
A building may be erected, altered or used and a lot may be used or occupied for any of the following purposes and in accordance with the following provisions:
- corporate offices;
- research facilities; and
- farming uses.
9.3 Lot Requirements. (Amended March 1999.)
9.3.1 Area. Minimum lot size five (5) acres with a minimum of two (2) acres excluding wetlands. (Amended March 1992.)
9.3.2 Frontage. Two hundred (200) feet on a Class V or better road. (Amended March 1999.)
9.3.3 Setbacks. Two hundred (200) feet from all park lines. Individual lot front setback of at least one hundred (100) feet with side and rear setbacks of fifty (50) feet.
9.3.4 Structure Height. Two (2) stories with a maximum height above mean lot terrain of thirty-five (35) feet.
9.3.5 Building Size. Maximum of forty-thousand (40,000) square feet gross floor area on the ground floor, cumulative of all building and parking areas on the lot. (Amended March 1999.)
9.3.6 Access. Ingress and egress shall only be from one (1) access road leading to a State Highway.
9.3.7 Off-Street Parking Requirements. One parking space for each one and two-tenths (1.2) employees based upon the highest expected employee occupancy.
9.3.8 Conservation Zone. All land within one hundred (100) feet of Blood Brook shall be retained in its natural state except for foot trails.
9.4 Architectural Design. (Recodified/Amended March 1999.)
As a condition of granting final site plan approval for a development upon a lot in this District, the lot owner shall obtain Planning Board approval of the exterior architectural design of such structures. In connection therewith, the Planning Board shall require the lot owner to provide it with graphic renderings, photographs or three-dimensional models to depict the proposed development. In undertaking its review and approval, the Planning Board shall consider the location, alignment, and spacing of new buildings in relation to existing and future development of adjoining lots. In addition, the Planning Board shall consider the positioning and configuration of the proposed buildings on a lot or lots, the use of required setbacks, open space and buffer mechanisms and the lot owner's campus type layout and buildings requirements.
9.5 Open Space Design. (Recodified/Amended March 1999.)
To encourage open space development in a manner that allows greater open spaces the following provisions may be applied. The intent of this section is to allow greater flexibility in this district while encouraging the retention of the area's rural character.
- Side and rear setbacks (excluding lot lines tangent to Section 9.3.8 Conservation Zone and Section 6.0 General Residence and Agricultural District) may be reduced to 50 feet to promote clustered non-residential development(s).
- Shared parking facilities will not be counted toward the percentage of lot coverage.
- Parking areas shared between two adjacent lots within this district may be developed up to the common side or rear lot-line (excluding lot lines tangent to Section 9.3.8 Conservation Zone and Section 6.0 General Residence and Agricultural District) if all other conditions of the district are met.