Town of Wilton, NH

Zoning Board of Adjustment

Case 6/13/1990–1


Joyce Road
Petty Road
G. Benjamin Bingham
Relief Requested
Variance to section 12.3(c)(2) of the Wilton Zoning Ordinance
To allow the subdivision of , into two 1-acre lots, which would require a reduced density requirement in the Aquifer Protection District.


Wednesday, June 13, 1990 — Hearing


G. Benjamin Bingham has requested a variance to section 12.3(c)(2) of the Wilton Zoning Ordinance to allow the subdivision of Lot C-121, Joyce Road and Petty Road, into two 1-acre lots, which would require a reduced density requirement in the Aquifer Protection District.

The Town of Wilton Zoning Board of Adjustment will consider this application in a public hearing on Wednesday, June 13, 1990 at 7:30 p.m. in the Wilton Town Hall Courtroom, 42 Main Street.

Case Continued

The hearing on the request by G. Benjamin Bingham for a variance to section 12.3(c)(2) of the Wilton Zoning Ordinance has been continued to Wednesday, July 11, 1990. If granted, the requested relief would allow the subdivision of Lot C-121, Joyce Road and Petty Road, into two 1-acre lots, which would require a reduced density requirement in the Aquifer Protection District.


Minutes of the hearing.