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Decision notices posted at this web site have not been checked for consistency with the printed decision notices that are available in the Wilton Town Offices. If you need the definitive text of a decision, please obtain the printed notice from the town offices.

Case 4/9/02–3

You are hereby notified that the application of Household of Faith for special exceptions under the terms of sections 5.3.2, 5.3.3, and 5.3.5 of the Wilton Zoning Ordinance has been continued to the Zoning Board meeting on Tuesday, May 14, so that the applicant’s representative can obtain a letter of authorization from the applicant.

Minutes of the hearing.

You are hereby notified that the application of Household of Faith for special exceptions under the terms of sections 5.3.2, 5.3.3, and 5.3.5 of the Wilton Zoning Ordinance has been continued to the Zoning Board meeting on Tuesday, June 11, so that the applicant can prepare a more detailed description of the proposed use.

Minutes of the hearing.

The Wilton Zoning Board of Adjustment has approved the application of Household Of Faith to permit the use of the house on Lot J–38, 16 Maple Street (“The Abbott Home”) for transitional housing, regarded as a church use, per section 5.3.3 of the Wilton Zoning Ordinance. Up to four bedrooms in the house may be used, each for one adult and no more than two children no older than twelve years. All meals are to be cooked and served in the building’s common kitchen and dining areas. Residence for any family is limited to six months. There is to be at least full-time resident caretaker. The use is also subject to all applicable federal, state, and local occupancy, health, safety, and fire codes.

This decision shall expire on Friday, June 11, 2004 if the proposed use has not begun by that date. (Wilton Zoning Ordinance section 17.4).

Minutes of the hearing.

You are hereby notified that the application of Household of Faith for a special exceptions under the terms of sections 5.3.2, 5.3.3, and/or 5.3.5 of the Wilton Zoning Ordinance to permit the use of the house on Lot J–38, 16 Maple Street (“The Abbott Home”) to house church staff and hold various church functions has been withdrawn by the applicant.

Minutes of the hearing.

You are hereby notified that the application of Household of Faith for a special exceptions under the terms of sections 5.3.2, 5.3.3, and/or 5.3.5 of the Wilton Zoning Ordinance to permit the use of the house on Lot J–38, 16 Maple Street (“The Abbott Home”) for youth recreation has been continued to the Zoning Board meeting on Tuesday, July 16.

Minutes of the hearing.

You are hereby informed that the application of Household of Faith for a special exception to permit youth recreational activities on Lot J–38, 16 Maple Street (“The Abbot Home”) has been denied.

The Zoning Board found that the proposed use was not a permitted use under Sections 5.3.2, 5.3.3, or 5.3.5 of the Wilton Zoning Ordinance, which were cited in the application.

Minutes of the hearing.

On August 12, 2002, Mrs. Eva Kopek requested that the Zoning Board reconsider its July 16 denial of a special exception under the terms of Sections 5.3.2, 5.3.3, or 5.3.5 of the Wilton Zoning Ordinance to Household of Faith to permit youth recreational activities on Lot J–38, 16 Maple Street (“The Abbot Home”).

On August 13, the Zoning Board voted to deny the request for reconsideration. The request was denied because Mrs. Kopek is neither a party to the action or proceedings nor a person directly affected by the decision, and therefore does not have standing to request a rehearing. (N.H. RSA 677:2)

This decision may be appealed to the Superior Court no later than Thursday, September 12, 2002. (N.H. RSA 677:4)

Minutes of the hearing.

On August 15, 2002, the Wilton Board of Selectmen requested that the Zoning Board reconsider its July 16 denial of a special exception under the terms of Sections 5.3.2, 5.3.3, or 5.3.5 of the Wilton Zoning Ordinance to Household of Faith to permit youth recreational activities on Lot J–38, 16 Maple Street (“The Abbot Home”).

On August 23, the Zoning Board voted to deny the request for reconsideration. The request was denied because the request for reconsideration did present any new evidence, nor did it raise any issue that was not considered at the hearings prior to the original decision.

This decision may be appealed to the Superior Court no later than Sunday, September 22, 2002. (N.H. RSA 677:4)

Minutes of the hearing.

On August 16, 2002, Household of Faith requested that the Zoning Board reconsider its July 16 denial of a special exception under the terms of Sections 5.3.2, 5.3.3, or 5.3.5 of the Wilton Zoning Ordinance to permit youth recreational activities on Lot J–38, 16 Maple Street (“The Abbot Home”).

On August 23, the Zoning Board determined that it was unable to consider this request, because the request was not filed within 30 days of the original decision. The 30 day limit for requests for reconsideration is imposed by state law, and the Zoning Board has no authority to waive or extend it.

Minutes of the hearing.