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Case 7/16/02–2

In response to Corinne Blagbrough’s appeal of the Wilton Planning Board’s approval of the A&T Forest Products two lot subdivision of Lot A–21, Burton Highway, in the Watershed District:

The hearing is continued to the Zoning Board’s August 13 meeting for a decision on whether driveways and culverts are structures for the purposes of Section 14.3.3 of the Zoning Ordinance.

Minutes of the hearing.

On August 12, 2002, Mrs. Corinne Blagbrough has requested that the Wilton Zoning Board reconsider its decision that the Wilton Planning Board was not in error in determining that Lot A–21–1, Burton Highway, has adequate frontage on a Class V or better road.

On August 13, the Zoning Board voted to deny the request for reconsideration, on the grounds that there was no error in its original determination.

This decision may be appealed to the Superior Court no later than Thursday, September 12, 2002. (N.H. RSA 677:4)

Minutes of the hearing.

In response to Corinne Blagbrough’s appeal of the Wilton Planning Board’s approval of the A&T Forest Products two lot subdivision of Lot A–21, Burton Highway, in the Watershed District: with regard to point 3 of Mrs. Blagbrough’s letter of July 16, that the culverts on Lot A–21–1 are structures as defined by Section 3.1.31 of the Wilton Zoning Ordinance, and therefore may not be located less than 150 feet from wetlands or 200 feet from open water, per section 14.3.3 of the Ordinance, the Zoning Board found has found that according to the spirit and intent of the Wilton Zoning Ordinance, neither a driveway nor a culvert is considered a structure; therefore, that the driveway and culvert located on Lot A–21–1 cannot be considered to be a structure that encroaches in a wetland or open water setback, and the Planning Board was not in error on that point when it granted the subdivision.

Minutes of the hearing.

On August 15, 2002, Mrs. Corinne Blagbrough requested that the Wilton Zoning Board reconsider its decision that the Wilton Planning Board was not in error in determining that the subdivision creating Lot A–21–1, Burton Highway, was permissible despite the presence of a culvert in the driveway located within the 150 foot (Sec. 14.3.3) setback in the Watershed District.

On August 23, the Zoning Board voted to deny the request for reconsideration, on the grounds that there was no error in its original determination.

This decision may be appealed to the Superior Court no later than Sunday, September 22, 2002. (N.H. RSA 677:4)

Minutes of the hearing.